Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jeff's results for Friday, May 14

What happened? Somehow the day disappeared swamp of sloshing muck. I ran a few errands, took care of things around the house, and, well, that's about it. I did some reading for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half. Writing-wise, I might have put down two sentences, but I can't remember where or, frankly, what they were about. Maybe they were something I dreamed about during my nap.

I had some half-hopes to get a little done before bed, but I was called away before 9pm to watch some friends' kids while they were at the emergency room with another child. That took me to 2:30am, which has thus thrown off my plan for today (Saturday). Dang it, I need to exercise some more control than this.

I'm starting to learn (emotionally; because it's pretty obvious to my rational brain) that writing first thing in the morning really is important, if only because it'll help me avoid days like Friday. For now, enough. I'm going to stop reading about the books that influenced the writers of Lost[1] and I'm going to go read a few pages of Crawford's Blood, Bodies, and Families in Early Modern England.


[1] Which I stopped watching a couple of years ago because it felt like it had descended too far into absurdity. It sounds like I left when things were still pretty normal. Sheesh, who wants to work so hard just to watch TV?

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